
Sider is a persistent object library based on Redis. This is being planned and heavily under development currently.

>>> from sider.types import Set, Integer
>>> s = session.get('my_set', Set(Integer))
>>> 3 in s  # SISMEMBER 3
>>> 4 in s  # SISMEMBER 4
>>> s2 = session.get('another_set', Set(Integer))
>>> s & s2  # SINTER my_set another_set
set([2, 3])
>>> s
<sider.set.Set {1, 2, 3}>
>>> s2
<sider.set.Set {-1, 0, 1, 2}>
>>> session.get('my_int_key', Integer)

You can install it from PyPI:

$ pip install Sider  # or
$ easy_install Sider
$ python -m sider.version

What was the name ‘Sider’ originated from?:

>>> 'redis'[::-1]

Open source

Sider is an open source software written in Hong Minhee. The source code is distributed under MIT license and you can find it at Bitbucket repository. Check out now:

$ hg clone

If you find a bug, report it to the issue tracker or send pull requests.

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