Documentation guides ==================== This project use Sphinx_ for documentation and `Read the Docs`_ for documentation hosting. Build the documentation always before you commit --- You must not miss documentation of your contributed code. Be fluent in reStructuredText_. .. _Sphinx: .. _Read the Docs: .. _reStructuredText: Build ----- Install Sphinx 1.1 or higher first. If it's been installed already, skip this. .. sourcecode:: console $ easy_install "Sphinx>=1.1" Use :program:`make` in the :file:`docs/` directory. .. sourcecode:: console $ cd docs/ $ make html You can find the built documentation in the :file:`docs/_build/html/` directory. .. sourcecode:: console $ python -m webbrowser docs/_build/html/ # in the root Convention ---------- - Follow styles as it was. - Every module/package has to start with docstring like this:: """:mod:`sider.modulename` --- Module title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short description about the module. """ and make reStructuredText file of the same name in the :file:`docs/sider/` directory. Use :rst:dir:`automodule` directive. - All published modules, constants, functions, classes, methods and attributes (properties) have to be documented in their docstrings. - Source code to quote is in Python, use a `literal block`__. If the code is a Python interactive console session, don't use it (see below). - The source code is not in Python, use a :rst:dir:`sourcecode` directive provided by Sphinx. For example, if the code is a Python interactive console session: .. sourcecode:: rst .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> 1 + 1 2 See also the list of `Pygments lexers`__. - Link Redis commands using :rst:role:`redis` role. For example: .. sourcecode:: rst It may send :redis:`RPUSH` multiple times. __ __ Tips ---- - You can link :rst:role:`issue`, :rst:role:`commit` and :rst:role:`branch`. For example: .. sourcecode:: rst - Linking :issue:`1`. - Linking :commit:`a78ac7eb7332`. - Linking :branch:`docs`. It becomes: - Linking :issue:`1`. - Linking :commit:`a78ac7eb7332`. - Linking :branch:`docs`.