Sider is a persistent object library based on Redis. This is heavily under development currently, but you can check the future roadmap if you want.
>>> from sider.types import Set, Integer
>>> s = session.get('my_set', Set(Integer))
>>> 3 in s # SISMEMBER 3
>>> 4 in s # SISMEMBER 4
>>> s2 = session.get('another_set', Set(Integer))
>>> s & s2 # SINTER my_set another_set
set([2, 3])
>>> s
<sider.set.Set {1, 2, 3}>
>>> s2
<sider.set.Set {-1, 0, 1, 2}>
>>> session.get('my_int_key', Integer)
You can install it from PyPI:
$ pip install Sider
$ python -m sider.version
What was the name ‘Sider’ originated from?:
>>> 'redis'[::-1]
Sider is an open source software written in Hong Minhee. The source code is distributed under MIT license and you can find it at GitHub repository. Check out now:
$ git clone git://
If you find a bug, report it to the issue tracker or send pull requests.
Sider has the official IRC channel on freenode: irc://