Sider Changelog =============== Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on December 23, 2014. Beta release. - Now Sider supports Python 3.3 or higher. Of course Python 2.6, Python 2.7, and PyPy are still supported. Thanks to Eunchong Yu. [:issue:`4` by Eunchong Yu] - Fixed a bug that :class:`~sider.types.SortedSet` incorrectly saves values on Redis 2.4.0 or higher. [:issue:`3` by Eunchong Yu] - Added :class:`sider.types.UUID` type. [:issue:`5` by Eunchong Yu] - Fixed missing incrementation of :meth:`List.__iter__() `. [:issue:`6` by Eunchong Yu] - Added a workaround to [:issue:`7` by Eunchong Yu] Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on April 30, 2012. Alpha release. - Added :mod:`sider.transaction` module. - Added :mod:`sider.sortedset` module. - Added :class:`sider.types.SortedSet` type. - Added :class:`sider.types.Time` and :class:`sider.types.TZTime` types. - Added :class:`sider.types.TimeDelta` type. - Introduced :class:`sider.types.Tuple` type for ad-hoc composition of multiple types. - The extensible namespace package :mod:`sider.ext` was introduced. - Added :mod:`sider.threadlocal` module. - Added :attr:`sider.session.Session.verbose_transaction_error` option. Version 0.1.3 ------------- Released on April 21, 2012. Pre-alpha release. - Now :class:`sider.hash.Hash` objects show their contents for :func:`repr()`. - Now persist objects show their key name for :func:`repr()`. - Added :data:`sider.lazyimport.exceptions` deferred module. Version 0.1.2 ------------- Released on April 11, 2012. Pre-alpha release. - Now :class:`sider.session.Session` takes :class:`redis.client.StrictRedis` object instead of :class:`redis.client.Redis` which is deprecated. - Added :mod:`sider.exceptions` module. - Added :class:`sider.warnings.SiderWarning` base class. - Fixed a bug of :meth:`sider.list.List.insert()` for index -1. Previously it simply appends an element to the list (and that is an incorrect behavior), but now it inserts an element into the right before of its last element. Version 0.1.1 ------------- Released on March 29, 2012. Pre-alpha release. - Added :class:`sider.types.Boolean` type. - Added :class:`sider.types.Date` type. - Added :class:`sider.datetime.FixedOffset` tzinfo subtype. - Added :class:`sider.types.DateTime` and :class:`~sider.types.TZDateTime` types. - Now you can check the version by this command: ``python -m sider.version``. Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on March 23, 2012. Pre-alpha release.